Pandemic quarantine confined our freedom to go outside, letting us realize the significance of getting close to nature. Now that we are more aware of our innate affiliation with nature, how can designers contribute to improving overall wellness?

I started the research from the idea of “portable coziness” — trying to let users work/rest comfortably on the lawn through a single product. However, instead of expecting people to carry the product around, it will be more effective if the product can engage people in getting closer to nature intuitively.

Oasis is designed in 3 variations for a wider user group.

a. The first design comes with two different table heights. The lower one is an average standard height for wheelchair users.
b. The second design also consists of two table heights, accommodate users’ height from 5ft to 6ft 8 & above
c. The third design is the most minimal one with one standard height.